One of the Most Inspirational Entrepreneurs for Young People in Latin America
"The biggest obstacle for a poor person, to stop being poor, is not a rich businessman who is the product of ethical work, but a corrupt politician at the expense of its sacrifice.
The rest is ideology."
Leandro is an Argentine entrepreneur, Bachelor in Institutional Relations, who created, at the age of 22, the Fundación Internacional de Jóvenes Líderes, as well as the Cumbre Internacional de Jóvenes Líderes and, later, the newspaper Cultura en red and the social aid app Todos x Todos.
As the highest authority in the management and administrative direction at Jóvenes Líderes, he is responsible for the long-term organizational strategy in the countries where the Foundation is present and supervises all the operations of the institution at a local and international level.
Among his most notable books are El derecho a no ser pobres and Lo que me dejan los 30, this last with a prologue by former Uruguayan president Julio María Sanguinetti and the White House advisor on Hispanic education (Barack Obama administration) Eduardo Padrón. Both essays can be purchased at
Leandro has also served as a technical advisor in the Honorable Argentine Chamber of Deputies and provides advice to government institutions in the Region.
Viotto has been recognized with several international distinctions, including the Keys to the City of Miami; One of the 10 outstanding young people in Argentina by the Junior Chamber International; and the Bronze Medal of Merit from the Sapienza University of Rome.